Indivisible Gathering, Sunday, Feb 19 Right Brain Brewery
Indivisible members from Traverse City, Grand Traverse Co., and Leelanau Co. gathered again Sunday, Feb 19, at the Right Brain Brewery in ever increasing numbers. Members led by organizers, Gwenne Allgaier, Lynn Van Ness, and Gretchen Iorio, addressed a mock-up image of Rep. Jack Bergman, who despite many, many invitations to attend the Town Hall-style gathering, was a NO SHOW.
After member’s questions fell on the deaf ears of the Bergman dummy, they broke up into action groups to discuss strategies and exchange information on a variety of issues such as, but not limited to: immigration, gerrymandering, the ACA, women's issues, economics, education, and climate change. The organizers continue to encourage members to attend their 'TUESDAY'S AT BERGMAN'S gatherings at the Representative's office located at 1396 Douglas Dr., Suite 22B, Traverse City, at 10:30 am. Members were also informed that Michigan Sen. Wayne Schmidt will be holding a Town Hall at the Loon's Nest in Fife Lake on Weds. Feb. 22nd at 11 am. It was stressed that the Indivisible behavior guide of peaceful, polite, non-disruptive discourse be observed at all times in order to ensure continued access to our legislator's while insisting on our right to ask and demand answers to our concerns.