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Indivisible Traverse City Members Take on Action Oriented Agenda

Indivisible Traverse City Members Take on Action Oriented Agenda

March 5, 2017

Gretchen Iorio, Indivisible TC leader, addressed another record crowd at the Indivisible TC regular Sunday meeting at 11 am at the Right Brain Brewery.

The group now has a new email: Members are encouraged to use this to send action group minutes, inquiries, comments, etc. to the leadership.

The weekly rally, Tuesday’s at Bergman’s will continue at his office at 10:30 am where concerned citizens can ask for a town hall, transparency in revealing content of the GOP ACA Healthcare plan, if there is one, the HB 610 stalled, but not defeated bill that would provide vouchers to parents to send their children to charter and private schools, including religious educational institutions, and any other concern citizens worried about the future of democracy in America might have

Leaders from the nine action groups reported on actions taken before breaking up into their respective groups. Member John Snow, reminded groups that their job was not to reinvent the wheel regarding policies, but to plan specific actions focused on specific issues that their members can take in the following week, such as calling and writing legislators and MoCs whose vote could influence particular bills affecting us here on the ground in Traverse City, writing letters to the editor, or doing research.

Members were encouraged to join ‘Rogan’s List,’ put out by a retired research librarian and her friends from Sutton’s Bay area, on a daily basis suggesting ‘To Do’ items, along with the appropriate links, scripts, and legislator’s contact information. Members were encouraged to run for office on every level of local government, i.e., local city, township boards, county boards, commissions, etc.

Finally, it was announced that March 8, 2017, Woman 2 Woman is organizing “A Day Without a Woman.” Women are encouraged to wear red, stay home from work if possible and not to purchase from any business unless run by a woman.

You can learn more about Indivisible Traverse City on their Facebook page:

Report by Sylvia McCullough, Content Editor for GT Dems Communications Committee and Member of Indivisible TC Education Action Group.

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