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Legislative Action Report

Legislative Action Report, Monday April 10, 2017

The Michigan Senate is in recess until Wednesday April 19th and the House is in recess until Tuesday April 18th. Until they return there will be limited action on bills. However, the Michigan Legislature site is reporting on bills that have been “electronically reproduced”. Some also are designated as PA or Public Act (Signed Bills) with immediate effect and are now law in the State of Michigan.

Bills that I believe are worth noting, even though they are assigned to committees currently:

  • HB 4436 and 4437 have been introduced to allow a graduated state income tax and implement it. They are referred to the Tax Policy committee. As of yet, no analysis is available as to how these bills would affect the overall Michigan Budget.

  • HB 4439 would allow a tax holiday for back-to-school clothing and school supplies. It has been referred to the Tax policy committee.

  • HB 4441 and 4442 are companion bills making it mandatory for animal control personnel to report possible child abuse suspected during an investigation of animal abuse. Child Protective Services personnel must report possible animal cruelty if they see signs during an investigation of possible child abuse. They have been referred to the Judiciary Committee. Since child and animal abuse are often seen in the same situation, these bills make sense to me.

  • HB 4459 is a voting rights bills that would allow someone who has registered by mail to vote, present their identification to any county, city or township clerk in the state. That clerk will then transmit verification to the clerk where the elector is registered. An example would be a college student who registers in their home county but presents their identification to a clerk in their college town. This was referred to the Elections & Ethics committee.

  • HB 4461 is a Death with Dignity proposal to regulate physician assistance for patient-requested life-ending medication. It includes provisions to safeguard the patient who is making this decision. It was referred to the Health Policy Committee.


There are several bills and appropriation cuts that Michigan Resistance is urging us to take action on by calling or writing our MoCs:

Oppose the Trump budget cuts to the Great Lakes

This budget will cause significant damage to some of the most necessary areas of our social, environmental, economic, healthcare, and educational well-being. One of the things that Trump proposes is eliminating the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative. This would cause great damage to the health of our precious, clean freshwater lakes.

1. Justin Amash, (3rd District; Grand Rapids): 202-225-3831

2. Fred Upton (6th District; Kalamazoo): 202-225-3761

3. Dave Trott (11th District; Bloomfield Hills): 202-225-8171

4. Jack Bergman (1st District; Traverse City): 202-225-4735

5. Tim Walberg (7th District; Monroe): 202-225-6276

6. Mike Bishop (8th District; Rochester Hills): 202-225-4872

7. Bill Huizenga (2nd District; Muskegon): 202-225-4401

8. John Moolenaar (4th District; Midland): 202-225-3561

9. Paul Mitchell (10th District; Shelby Township): 202-225-2106

Suggested Script:

Hi, I am calling to ask Representative ____ to OPPOSE Donald Trump’s budget cuts to necessary environmental services for our Great Lakes. The Great Lakes are precious to Michigan, not only for clean drinking water but also as the pride and joy of our region. Without the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative and other necessary environmental services, we will be punishing our children and grandchildren with unclean lakes. We cannot let that happen. I am asking that the representative stand up for Michigan and oppose these budget cuts. Thank you.

Oppose Congressional House Bill HR 610 -

This bill would drastically damage public education in this country by eliminating funding for schools on the basis of need, such as special education and economic factors. It would also make it harder for public schools to compete with charter schools and voucher programs drawing students away. Instead it promotes the Betsy DeVos agenda of providing public funding for vouchers, charter schools, and private schools. This further separates our children from an equal opportunity at success.

1. Tim Walberg (7th, Monroe/Jackson): 202-225-6276

2. Paul Mitchell (10th, Shelby Twp/Port Huron): 202-225-2106

Suggested Script:

Hi, I am calling to ask Representative _____________ to stand up for our schools and OPPOSE HR 610. My family and community has directly benefitted from public education, and the damage that this bill would do is troubling. We need public education to be fully funded, especially services for children facing increased challenges.

Taking away funding for special education is unacceptable. Public schools are vital to our state. I know you care about students and families in this state, and the best way to do that is to support public schools that help all children. I urge you to OPPOSE HR 610. Thank you.

Support the Medicare for All Bill HR 676 – House Bill HR 676, proposed by Rep. John Conyers of Detroit, proposes that all Americans will receive health care coverage for primary care and prevention, dietary and nutrition, prescription drugs, emergency care, mental health, dental services, and vision care. Currently 93 Democrats co-sponsor the bill, which includes 3 of the 5 Michigan Democratic representatives. We would finally join the industrialized world to provide health care coverage for all Americans.

1. Sander Levin (9th, Royal Oak/Warren): 202-225-4961

2. Dan Kildee (5th, Flint): 202-225-3611

Suggested Script:

Hi, I am calling to ask Representative _____________ to SUPPORT Representative Conyers’ Medicare for All bill HR 676 and co-sponsor the bill. We barely avoided a repeal and replace health care bill from the Republicans that would have devastated families and communities. It is now time for the Democratic party to stand up for our ideals and provide health care coverage for all Americans. I urge you to follow three of your fellow Michigan representatives, Representatives Dingell, Lawrence, and Conyers in doing so. Thank you.

Many of the Indivisible members attended the “Coffee” with Senator Schmidt on Monday April 3rd. It is interesting to meet our representatives in person. I am trying to find out if there is any opportunity to meet with Rep. Inman during this recess.

Submitted by

Linda Pepper,

Outreach & Content Comm.

GT Dems

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