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Women's March Traverse City

January 19, 2019

Despite the frigid temperatures, a robust throng joined the 3rd annual Women’s March in Traverse City today. Bundled up like sausages, women and men of all ages, families with small children and their dogs marched along the sidewalks of down-town downtown carrying signs and chanting: “this is what Democracy looks like,” and “Heh, Heh, Ho, Ho, Donald Trump has got to go,” into the frozen air to the beat of drums.

It was very clear that issues that affect women locally like the government shutdown, ratification of the ERA, equal pay for equal work, women’s health, working conditions for women, sexual abuse, the environment and disgruntlement with the current administration in Washington, trumped the divisions in the leadership of the Women’s March at the top.

Despite the recent spate of women elected to the U.S. House, women expressed that there is still a long way to go. “We have to keep up the fight. We can’t rest on our laurels,” seemed to be a motivating factor in today’s remarkable turnout. Marchers started from the Workshop Brewery and proceeded up the sidewalks out to the Open Space along the Parkway. A shout-out to the Workshop Brewery for welcoming the marchers before and after the march with hot chocolate, brewskis, and hot food for those who badly needed a place to warm up and share in the camaraderie of the like-minded. Thank you to all who participated!

Submitted by:

Sylvia McCullough

Co-Chair, Indivisible TC

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