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An Enbridge Proposal to County Commissions

Editor's Note

The following article was submitted to us by the Chair of the Anishinaabek Caucus of the Michigan Democratic Party

A Bridge Hello Democrats!

We have found out that sneaky Enbridge is sending a farce of a resolution to ALL the County Commissioners in the state of Michigan in an attempt to cause a divide in Michigan regarding their tunnel. As you know, this tunnel is not in Michigan’s best interest and only serves to deepen Enbridge’s pockets. We must fight this attempt to manipulate out government!!

We have been taught that this is an either-or question. Do we have the raggedy pipeline or the dangerous tunnel? This is incorrect. We do not NEED either. We are switching to renewable energy and will be able to heat the UP, provide good UNION jobs and not damage our beautiful state. Remember it is part of the Michigan Constitution to PROTECT THE GREAT LAKES, and we have failed them.

I have fact-checked the resolution and graded it, it failed miserably. Please read the documentation and the links, they are very informative and shows how unreliable Enbridge is. Please forward to the county commissioners with your opinion of the tunnel.

Get your Democratic parties activated!! We need to be vigilant, as the resolution has passed in a couple of counties that we know of; Dickinson and Gogebic. I do not know if there are more. Grand Traverse County will be voting on the resolution Aug. 21st. They will be packing the room and have been emailing and calling their commissioners. We must do the same! Call your county commissioners, House Representatives and Senator tell them to vote against the Line 5 tunnel . The GOP will be re-introducing the Tunnel bill this month and we need to already be calling our legislatures to VOTE against the Bill!!!

In Solidarity,

Federally Registered member of Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Indians Chair, Anishinaabek Caucus of the Michigan Democratic Party

attachment: corrected resolution

Editor's note: Proposed Corrections are shown in Red italics


XX-2019 Resolution in Support of Line 5 Tunnel

WHEREAS, Enbridge’s Line 5 has been operating safely and reliably in Michigan for more than 65 years; and, Line 5 has spilled 33 times and at least 1.1 million gallons along its length since 1968. ( (

WHEREAS, Enbridge’s Line 5, a light crude and natural gas liquids pipeline, sections of Line 5 in the Mackinac Straits are cracked and dented, and a segment on land near the Straits has lost 26% of its original wall thickness. (

helps to safely meet Michigan’s energy needs by fulfilling more than half of the propane needs of the state; and, less that 5-10% of the product is used in Michigan (

WHEREAS, the products delivered to regional refineries provide jobs and ultimately fuel our lives; and, They will also bring man camps when out of state pipeline workers come to the northern Tribal nations. (

WHEREAS, multiple and extensive inspections and safety tests over the last several years have confirmed the integrity of Line 5 at the Straits of Mackinac as fit for service; and, Line 5 has always been a ticking time bomb. Enbridge has already had the largest oil spill in the world and it was in Michigan. In July of 2010, a ruptured pipeline released up to a million gallons of tar-sands crude oil, contaminating a 20 mile stretch of the Kalamazoo River. (

Recently, there was the anchor strike that took months for the State of Michigan to find out what actually happened. The inside of the pipeline was dented. The inside. Does that tell you how close we came to losing the Great Lakes? ( anchor-strike.html)

This month we have 81 foot segments, which is in violation of the easement agreement with the State of Michigan of 75 feet ( michigan/2019/08/07/enbridge-unsupported-segment-line-5-has-grown-beyond-75-foot- limit/1948023001/)

WHEREAS, Enbridge has proposed to invest $500 million to make a safe pipeline safer by placing a tunnel with one-foot-thick concrete walls 100 feet underground and make the changes of a leak into the Straits virtually zero; and, do not forget the gas and electric pipelines will be enclosed in the tunnel. “ATC does not believe that installing high-voltage electric lines in close proximity to high-pressure oil or gas lines is a good idea,” Tom Finco, the company’s vice president of external affairs, said in an April 30 letter to a group representing five Michigan Indian tribes. ( tunnel-dangerous/3649545002/)

WHEREAS, consequences to energy supply, local producers, regional airports and refineries, jobs, local economies and the pocketbook of Michiganders across the entire state are too great for Line 5 to be shut down before the tunnel replacement can be completed;

Gov. Whitmer has signed an Executive Order creating the UP Energy Task Force to address these needs. (,9309,7-387-90499-499308--,00.html )

Clean energy creates jobs, supports local infrastructure development, and provides new opportunities to build thriving economies. While many rural American communities have faced economic challenges, they have also recently experienced incredible growth in wind energy, solar power, and energy efficiency. ( report.pdf)

WHEREAS, within Grand Traverse and Leelanau counties BATA (Bay Area Transportation Authority) busses run clean emission free propane, a fuel which is transported through Line 5, to offer vehicle life cycle greenhouse (GHG) emissions benefits over conventional fuels,

Traverse City, the county seat is vowing 100% renewable energy by 2020, way before the tunnel will be built. ( to-100renewable-energy/

In fact, More than 58 U.S. cities have stepped up to combat climate change and reap the benefits of clean, renewable energy by committing to power their cities with 100% renewable electricity.

In Michigan, Traverse City, Grand Rapids, Ann Arbor, and Northport have committed to 100% goals in the coming decades. (

WHEREAS, Enbridge has demonstrated a willingness to work with the state to both protect the Great Lakes and ensure the continued safe delivery of energy we all rely on. Enbridge is being sued all over the United States by Governments that do not want pipelines under our land. When Enbridge does not get their way, they take to the courts. Enbridge is sueing the State Of Michigan and by passing this resolution you are siding with the Canadian Corporation, Enbridge and not your state and citizens ( michigan-oil-and-gas-tunnel-deal-aliveBad River is sueing Enbridge)

( pipeline-removal/article_3b5b4cc1-c195-56ba-9c51-56038e3ae3f6.html) Enbridge sued a landowner and lost. (

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Grand Traverse County Board of Commissioners hereby joins with Dickinson County in extending it’s support for Enbridge’s proposed tunnel replacement project and urges the State of Michigan to work with Enbridge to complete the tunnel project as quickly as possible and not disrupt Line 5 service before the tunnel can be completed; and, The People of Michigan are in litigation with Enbridge Energy, LLC. ( seeks-to-shut-oil-pipeline-under-great-lakes-idUSKCN1TS2G2) If you take Enbridge's side in this battle, you are siding against the People of Michigan. Do you really want to side against your constituents.

Enbridge walked away from talks with Gov. Whitmer and they are now sueing the state of Michigan. Again why would you side with a Canadian Corporation that is sueing your state government and its people? ( energy/enbridge-sues-to-keep-michigan-oil-and-gas-tunnel-deal-alive )

For more information, please read the Independent Risk Analysis for the Straits Pipelines ( Straits_Independent_Risk_Analysis_Final.pdf)

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Grand Traverse County sends this resolution to all counties of Michigan as an invitation to join in expressing support for increasing the safety of our current energy infrastructure as our society simultaneously seeks energy efficiencies and energy alternatives that will continue to reduce negative impacts and risks to our environment.

It is not in the best interest of the State Of Michigan, Your county, My City or its citizens to pass this resolution. Recall is an option for commissioners that do not side with its constituents.

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